
All posts from the 'Culture' category

Culture, Gigs, Music, Nonsense

Sherkin Jerkin’

For those of you not too bothered about seeing Tiga for a 4th time in 12 months, or slightly perturbed by how last years Electric Picnic’s headliners were copy and pasted on to this years Forbidden Friut line up and / or generally can’t tell the difference between most festivals on the calendar any more, this June…

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Culture, Music, Nonsense

Who do you think you are kidding?

Disruption, abstraction, subversiveness, outsider, challenging preconceptions, fucking things up and just plain old weird. Terms, ideas and narratives that never stop being appealing. And why shouldn’t they be? Music needs to evolve, needs to break boundaries and challenge its listener. Experimentation is the cornerstone of many great musical movements. Techno music as a form is quite…

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Culture, General, Gigs, Music

Twisted Pepper closes…

I can’t say I was hugely surprised with the news that Bodytonic’s Twisted Pepper will be closing its doors this week. Even though it is Dublin’s most well known and highly regarded dance club of the last ten years it also felt like its time, in its current incarnation, was up. Clubbing – and Dublin…

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Culture, Nonsense


About a year ago, I became a columnist for Attack Magazine. It has been fun writing opinion columns and providing analysis to a very wide audience that stretches beyond the confines of the genres I participate in. When Attack approached me about doing this, their primary concern was that the column lead discussion as opposed…

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