2016 has been an interesting one. And by interesting, I mean shitty. And that’s just on the music tip, not even touching on all the rest of the nonsense. I needed long breaks from music, social media, and especially music journalism this year. The music journalism break will likely be permanent, judging by the little…
C Powers – Fitness Check
The man who goes by C Powers first came to my attention a few years back thanks to a nice grip of records I received from CGI Records’ owner Matt Weiner. Of the many highlights of the CGI catalog, one that stood out immediately was the C Powers EP entitled Up Neck, especially the track…
Detroit Music 98-04
2016 has been a really strange year. Having taken some time off of social media and away from going out as well as DJing, it has given me a bit of a different perspective on things. Watching the hype machine push all these different subsubgenres that don’t mean shit made by people who have no…
Where You Been (records round up)
Moving swiftly on from 23 year old Dinosaur Jr references, it has been quite some time since I’ve talked about new music on here, so I figured it was about time to throw together what will most likely be a fairly scattershot post on some select releases that have appeared over the last few months…
Guest Mix: Section Five
Our latest guest mix comes from the west coast of Ireland, and with it comes a really enjoyable accompanying piece of writing discussing the mix and the music selected. The stream/download is at the bottom of the post…enjoy! For most of the year dancing as we do it is confined to sweaty basements where the…
Mix: Tw!tch Podcast
Tw!tch is a party in Belfast that is just about to hit its tenth anniversary over the next couple of months with 2 parties taking place over September and October. The latter is a monster bash featuring 10 internationals such as Antal, Joy O, Kowton and Soundstream whilst the former sees the guys throwing an Irish-only…
…now where’s your bite?
Any of us paying attention to dance music media outlets in recent weeks will have most likely spotted at least one interview or promotional piece with regards to Mark Hawkins’ – aka Marquis Hawkes – new album, Social Housing. Hawkins has gotten into a spot of bother in recent years over his new moniker and…
Guest Mix: Dan Orchard (Delete)
Our latest guest mix comes from Bournemouth, England via Moscow, Russia – which reads better than “Berlin based” any day of the week. Dan Orchard, resident at Bournemouth’s Delete party is a name possibly many aren’t familiar with – though he has popped up at festivals such as Free Rotation – but that should most…
Interview: February & Mars
Even more sparse than our mix series is interviews with artists / djs, but sure what of it. Earlier this week I spoke with Jack Considine, one half of the Irish band February & Mars (alongside Carl Ramberg), who released their debut self-titled LP on Don Williams’ Mojuba imprint in October of last year. For…
Guest Mix – Jamie Thomson (Magnetic Radio)
Well, well, well its time for another installment in the most Sporadic Mix Series on the Internet. This time around we are handing over the reigns to a man from the soundest part of the UK (oohh, topical), Scotsman Jamie Thomson. He’s a man long in the game and while may be not as well…