And so we come to The Never-Ending Story part 305, or something like that. Here is the latest in our Final mixes (we are nearly there, I think) series. We said that we would be getting some old friends on board to help yet this is actually the first mix Eddie has done solo for…
Live – Magic Mountain High @ Tape @ Trouw, Amsterdam, February 2014
And so we near ever closer to the end. For any long time readers of the site you’ll knew we’ve got mad love for Juju & Jordash. In a world of copycats, hasbeens and never-will-bes these guys are the real deal. We asked them to help close out the site and they’ve obliged with a…
farewell and thanks
I don’t have much to say other than to extend a huge thank you to Tom and Kenny for including me in the past several years of blogation. It was fun. Sorry I didn’t post more, hopefully this mix will make up for it. Right click the butler to download the mix. If you guys…
Mix: Still Sleeping
Final one from me. Shouts to anyone who enjoyed the last 6-7 years. Thanks to all who gave us mixes. Contrary to what Jay Daniel thinks we did it to give exposure to music and Djs we thought deserved it, not because they owed us anything. And special thanks to Tom for having me on…
Another Incomprehensive Review of 2013
Well aren’t they all? This one is no different. Here’s a slightly long, slightly scatty rundown of what went on in music for me in 2013. I’ve always enjoyed doing this and it’s probably what I’ll miss the most about ISM. So away we go…
Pittsburgh Track Authority – ISM Final Mix
2013 was a busy year for me and my Pittsburgh Track Authority homies, Preslav and Adam. Each year since we started working together, we have tried to exceed the previous year’s production. This is what we accomplished this year: 6 PTA EPs Strenf EP – Work Them Records Pittsburgh Track Authority Edits Vol. 1 –…
Pipecock’s Picks for 2013
I’ve been doing some form of year-end lists for a while now. The approach I take is always the same, and it is based on nothing other than music I loved and loved to play during that year. I don’t care about whether a record is rare and worth a lot of money, or easily…
Infinite States Can Never Decay: Jonny5
So the blog is ending and this is my last mix to be posted here… Casting my mind back to the start of the project, I was very excited that Tom had asked me to contribute. The feeling that you can connect with people across the world purely through the shared love of music resonated…
Guest Mix: Lerosa
And so we move on to the next of our Final mixes. Lerosa has been a good friend and mix contributor for us here since the early days. In fact the first time I ever met him was to do this interview around 5 years ago (!). He’s not only given us mixes but also…
Mix: May Contain Disrobing
My latest mix is for the website based out of Budapest in Hungary. Some killer new bits from Lumigraph, Lerosa, John Heckle/Mick Wills plus a couple of cuts from the new Apartment 12″ which dropped this week, featuring Phantom Planet Outlaws & Tr One. Some of my favourite cuts of the year and a…