
The real shit for those who know

General, Mixes

Mix: Underlying Form Podcast

My latest mix is for the Derry based Underlying Form podcast, a newish series put together by Darren Allen. Guests so far have included Jane Fitz and Nick Craddock so keeping pretty good company all told. This one is a pace-y enough run through of electro, Chicago trax and some other bits and bobs. Juju…

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Records: Andres, Bleep43, Plant43, Drexciya

Andres – New For U Detroit’s Dj Dez is one of those perennial underachievers. Fans of his superb dj and productions skills may think I’m talking through my arse but even with a healthy enough bunch of much loved releases, mainly on Mahogani/KDJ, he has remained a somewhat cultish figure in the Detroit house scene,…

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Radio: In The Afternoon, Today 29th.

Back on the interweb airwaves today for a couple of hours starting at 4pm (bst). Haven’t looked at my records yet so dunno what I’ll be playing but it’ll be the usual concoction of electronic musaks and what not… Tune in here

General, Mixes

Guest Mix: Platinum Ray

Pauly Martin aka Platinum Ray delivers his 2nd mix for us and it’s definitely one of my favourite mixes we’ve received in a while. Even in his home town of Dublin Pauly is somewhat under-rated and really deserves more kudos for his deejaying. The tracklisting on this one speaks for itself, get stuck in… PSTN…

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