While I was eating lunch just now (hence the name) I threw together a quick mix of tunes I want to be able to listen to in Detroit this weekend. This should be the rightlength to burn to a CD for those of you who might want to bump it in your ride. Download it…
Gary’s Gang – New Monthly clubnight / Jeff Mills @ Corsica Studios
First up is a heads up on a new monthly party a bunch of us are kick starting this Saturday here in Dublin. U Bar is a new and promising space on Hight Street in Christchurch and on the last Saturday of every month the gang are gonna be taking over the 2 floors to…
Realsounds live webcast tonight, the 4th w/Lerosa & myself…
Realsounds is a new Dublin collective who have recently set up one of these live ustream webcasts from a studio in the city, broadcasting once every couple of weeks for 4hrs. Things are kicking off this evening at 7pm (bst) with Sam Kay and Paudi Ahern before myself and Lerosa stumble about behind the decks…
Mix: Underlying Form Podcast
My latest mix is for the Derry based Underlying Form podcast, a newish series put together by Darren Allen. Guests so far have included Jane Fitz and Nick Craddock so keeping pretty good company all told. This one is a pace-y enough run through of electro, Chicago trax and some other bits and bobs. Juju…
Records: Andres, Bleep43, Plant43, Drexciya
Andres – New For U Detroit’s Dj Dez is one of those perennial underachievers. Fans of his superb dj and productions skills may think I’m talking through my arse but even with a healthy enough bunch of much loved releases, mainly on Mahogani/KDJ, he has remained a somewhat cultish figure in the Detroit house scene,…
Juju & Jordash – live/sex
That title may sound a lil off putting but please don’t be. The Isreali duo have been doing a bunch of live shows of late taking in a few European cities and the US. I’m still to have the pleasure of catching them do their ting but they’ve started recording shows and have placed 2…
Radio: In The Afternoon, Today 29th.
Back on the interweb airwaves today for a couple of hours starting at 4pm (bst). Haven’t looked at my records yet so dunno what I’ll be playing but it’ll be the usual concoction of electronic musaks and what not… Tune in here
Time to change things up for the next Apartment release. After 2 house 12″‘s it’s the turn of Irish/Italian, em, house producer Lerosa to deliver the goods, this time on an electro tip. Bar the tape release on Further and his first 12″ on D1 many years ago, not much of Lerosa’s electro has seen…
Guest Mix: Platinum Ray
Pauly Martin aka Platinum Ray delivers his 2nd mix for us and it’s definitely one of my favourite mixes we’ve received in a while. Even in his home town of Dublin Pauly is somewhat under-rated and really deserves more kudos for his deejaying. The tracklisting on this one speaks for itself, get stuck in… PSTN…
Records: Future Times, Automatic Tasty. Gig bizness.
This weekend sees the rest of the world pretend to be Irish while we just act the same as we do every other weekend with the added bonus of having the Monday off. That means, of course, that it’s St Patrick’s Day, which falls on the Saturday. It usually means it’s a fairly hectic weekend…