It’s been a while since Mr Rosa has graced our site with one of his deejay mixes and since that offering last Autumn he has, of course, released his 2nd album, Amanatto, to much (deserved) acclaim and fawning. Leo is not one to continue to mine the same path over and over be it with…
Anthony “Shake” Shakir – Dublin
Hey folks, just a quick heads up for anyone around Dublin on Saturday. Detroit techno legend and ISM favourite Anthony “Shake” Shakir is in town. Support comes from ISM’s Kenny Hanlon and Pogo resident Barry Redsetta. Proper! There’s a short interview with the man over on mntothat And here’s a mix I made of…
Record Review: Innergaze
I thought I would try and put out a record review as there are quite a lot of new records out there getting me a bit excited at the moment. It’s a little hard to know where to start as there are so many coming out at the moment that I’m into. I came across…
Records – Optic Nerve & Floorplan
Following on from Tom, I’m gonna try and break off smaller, more frequent reviews instead of compiling lengthy posts that take forever to do. While in theory this will mean I’ll be a little bit fresher with the material, not so in this case. Ah well. Optic Nerve – 3 Dimensional Ep (Diametric) I got…
Meschi and The Textbook Lover, Live at Lunar Disko, Dublin 23/09/11
I’ve turned a corner in my life, I’m no longer manically busy with shit, and no longer feeling bogged down by the man. I’m going to be posting regularly again and getting back into the groove after whats been a long hiatus. For the last year or so I’ve been pretty busy with working, making music…
VIA Festival Pittsburgh Coming Up Next Week!
The VIA festival was a really good time last year in its initial incarnation. Pittsburgh was clearly ready for something big, and people responded to many different types of music and visual art combined over the course of the festival. The monthly events the VIA folks have done since then (including Omar-S and many more)…
Classic Mix Archive
I’ve put some of the classic mixes I’ve accumulated over the years in an archive on my site. There’s some classic US disco, Italian afro/cosmic disco & some Belgian new beat so far. There’s plenty more on various hard drives so it will grow a bit over the coming months. Discomix
New Mix – We All Fall Down
The brilliant new Regis single I mentioned in my last records post got me in a techno mood of late so I went digging through the shelves to come up with this latest mix. There are a few new tracks in there but in general I don’t find a lot of new techno of the…
Apartment [Zero] NCW – Panther Veil…in shops now
Just a quick update to say the debut release on my label is now available world wide. Juno, Hardwax, are a few of the online retailers I’ve seen carrying it and it’s appearing in shops in Italy, Russia and what not. Crosstalk have taken on some copies for distro in the States and Jetset,…
Shawn Rudiman and Claude Young Live In Pittsburgh 9-10-11
Pittsburgh has been off the hook this year! With cats like Omar-S, Ron Trent, Beautiful Swimmers, Protect-U, Donato Dozzy and many more having already played and the largeness of VIA Festival coming up next month, featuring Underground Resistance’s Interstellar Fugitives LIVE, Blondes, Pittsburgh Track Authority, Dam-Funk, East Liberty Quarters, and many many more (more on…