Thanks to the pandemic, shipping records from Europe to the US has taken on a large level of unpredictability in arrival time, so some of these records were actually released in December. But these are the new jams that have been doing it for me since I wrote my year end post about six weeks…
About admin
TC: causing trouble on teh interwebs since 1996, representing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since birth.
Owner of QED Recordings. You can purchase records direct thru the website.
New Year’s Eve Streaming Party
I teamed up with ISM contributor Vincent to put together a NYE streaming party to help see 2020 head off into the rear-view mirror. We hollered at some of our favorite DJs, including some whose music was a big part of this year for ISM, and thankfully we were able to convince them to spend…
Records of 2020 According to Pipecock
So yeah, this year was pretty stupid. Everybody is probably aware of this by now, I’d like to think. So I’m not gonna spend time summing that up. Thankfully music was still here to get us through. Obviously my experience with hearing these jams was mostly in my house, but a few outdoor parties in…
Quarantine Record Acquisitions
Stolen from interwebs It’s been a minute! Last time I posted about new music was just after everything shut down back in March. I won’t bore everybody with rehashing how poorly things have gone here in the States since then, but thankfully Pittsburgh has mostly dodged the worst of the virus thus far. I’ve been…
Mike Huckaby
Detroit legend Mike Huckaby passed away this weekend. It’s hard to really say anything about what he meant to so many other DJs and fans without sounding trite, so I’m going to just speak a little bit about some of my own experiences with him. I was into deeper house and techno music starting in…
2020 Thus Far
Stolen from the interwebs Yeah, this has been a fucking weird one. I’m not even going to get into it here, really, because I’m over all the bullshit. I spent the first couple months of the year holed up in the studio, knocking out what will be my first solo record forthcoming on my new…
2019 According to Pipecock
Yeah, so here it is. My year end wrap up. 2019 has been a weird one. I’ve been mostly off FB and Tw*tter, and even before that I had blocked most dance music media and any hipster or trash DJs/producers/fans. So I’ve just been damn near completely oblivious to anything popular, which was refreshing. At…
One Last New Records Post for 2019 (NOT MY YEAR END WRAP UP!)
There may be a few more things I pick up but any noteworthy joints will just have to appear in my year end post which will be coming in just a few weeks. For now, check these out…. Theo Parrish with Maurissa Rose – “This Is For You” – Sound Signature When I wrote about…
Early Fall Music
The seemingly never-ending heat of summer 2019 is finally winding down, and the cool, crisp air of fall that always seems to make music sound just that little bit better to my ears is sweeping through. Thankfully there has been a small handful of new releases that feel tailor-made for the season that have caught…
A Couple Late Summer New Records
It’s been kind of dry out there for me recently. Having a huge backlog of music from DEMF weekend made it seem not all that bad though. And the good thing is that the couple records I have picked up have all been quite excellent, some of my favorite music of the year so far….
Early Summer 2019 Jams
DEMF weekend is always a goldmine for me acquiring new music, and this year it was so much that it took a while to be able take it all in. Now that I have a handle on it, here are some of the highlights of the jams that are actually out and available: Teflon Dons…
Bunch of New Records
This year was feeling a little slow for new releases I cared about. That seems to have changed over the last month or so. I’m just going to do a quick rundown of some of the things that are out and about right now…. An early contender for jam of the year is Patrick Gibin’s…
Recent Jams By Spinna, Kai Alcé, Andrés
Kai Alcé’s NDATL label began celebrating its 10th birthday in 2018. I can remember eagerly ordering the very first release right when it came out from Opus Music in NYC (which was yet to be known as Downtown304), hard to believe it has been so long. Kai is also doing a series of parties to…
Thomas Xu – Different Wisdoms EP
One of the cats I mentioned in my recent piece on current wave American dance music was Thomas Xu, whose debut release was a split 12” with Julion De’Angelo on Sound Signature back in the summer of 2017. To kick off 2019 in style, Thomas has started his own label called Steady Flight Circle and…
2018 Year In Review
Click here for a YT playlist of many of the tracks from this list… Unlike some previous years, I’ve done a pretty good job of writing about dope music all throughout 2018. I wouldn’t say there has been a particularly large amount of new music that I like, but there is definitely a lot that…
10 Qs With Sean Tate
It was a looooong long time ago when I first encountered a mysterious poster on some forum (maybe RA?! lol) who called himself THE BUTCHER. Had to have been like 07-08 or so. And this cat was just hilarious and always on point. The world of dance music shit-talkers is not a big one so…
Current Wave American Dance Music
A lot of my favorite current dance music is made by cats who have been in the game for a long time. Theo Parrish, Kai Alcè, Glenn Underground, etc. While these guys remain at the top of their game and are always high quality, for this music to grow there has to be an influx…
10 Qs With Aaron Paar of Teflon Dons
Teflon Dons is one of those groups whose name has great resonance in house music despite a relatively small output that mostly came out over twenty years ago. Their tracks were largely unobtanium until a few recent reissues made a portion of their catalog widely available, especially the double pack on Must Have Records (which…
Marcellus Pittman – Something Like {A Dream}
This year has been a really fun one for me musically as it has seen some of my favorite producers who aren’t known for quantity of releases dropping a boatload of great new jams. Way back in February I wrote about two excellent releases by Marcellus Pittman, both on his Unirythym label. Over DEMF weekend…
Pipecock Live In The Mix
I can’t even remember the last time I posted a solo mix. Probably like 6+ years ago at least. Anyway this was me live on my friend Jillian’s Speaker Spanker Radio show. She always has me and Jwan on and we always have a damn good time. I thought this one turned out exceptionally well…