
The real shit for those who know

Music, Records, Review

Bunch of New Records

This year was feeling a little slow for new releases I cared about. That seems to have changed over the last month or so. I’m just going to do a quick rundown of some of the things that are out and about right now…. An early contender for jam of the year is Patrick Gibin’s…

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General, Mixes, Records

Mix: D1 Recordings: Box Set

It has been a few years since I last mentioned D1 Recordings on here, around the time Fatima Yamaha’s Whats a Girl To Do was getting the re-issue treatment. I wondered if there would be any more music released from the publicity-shy imprint and though it took a while there is now a new release…

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Over the past few weeks I have noticed more and more that promoters feel they own genres of music. It is disheartening at best to watch others claim stake in something that is everyone’s for the sake of profiteering. Unless you are an innovator you really have no say regarding who chooses to do what….

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Music, Nonsense, Records, Review

2018 Year In Review

Click here for a YT playlist of many of the tracks from this list… Unlike some previous years, I’ve done a pretty good job of writing about dope music all throughout 2018. I wouldn’t say there has been a particularly large amount of new music that I like, but there is definitely a lot that…

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