The time has finally arrived. Anybody who wants a copy of QED-03 Degradation can hit me up directly to purchase. $15 shipped within the USA for black vinyl, $20 shipped within the USA for limited red transparent copies (out of 35 total). I take V*nmo and P*ypal. Shipping outside of the US is minimum of…
About admin
TC: causing trouble on teh interwebs since 1996, representing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since birth.
Owner of QED Recordings. You can purchase records direct thru the website.
Some Recent Jazz Records
Yeah I know I promised one post a week this year. It’s been a weird year, but I’m gonna pick the pace back up to one a week or so moving forward. Today I’m gonna write about some of the recent jazz records from the last few years that have been doing it for me….
Saturday in Chicago: The Soirée
This Saturday nite February 4th 2023 in Chicago is a very special event. Noleian Reusse and I have been friends for about 14 years now, and in that time we have DJed together and made music together on a number of occasions. Now we are throwing our first party together. I hollered at the homeboy…
Plans and Soundtrack [313] – 2023 Post #1
Since I have been using the reborn ISM mostly for record reviews, the number of posts I make has dried up as the number of dance records I buy has plummeted. This blog is useless to me if I’m never using it, so I decided for 2023 that I would post at least once a…
2022 Wrap Up
I usually try to write this post while people are still at work and using the internet but it didn’t go down this way in 2022. Oh well. This year has been a weird one for me musically. My quest to find more music with some kind of attitude or edge but remaining funky has…
Theo Parrish – Detroit Forward
I’ve been a bit lax in reviewing my recent acquisitions, and I apologize for that. I’m just gonna cover a lot of my recent favs in my year end post which is coming up in a couple of weeks. But first I have to address this recent addition to the DJ Kicks series. When it…
Summer 2022 New Music
Yeah, it’s been months. So I’ve acquired quite a bit of music in that time. I’m gonna keep the reviews a little shorter so it can all be read in a somewhat timely manner, but essentially if it appears here count it as a recommendation. ———— Mark Grusane – Bad Cavity EP – Heat Amsterdam…
My New Label and ISM’s 15th Birthday
So it’s been a busy summer. Both of these items technically happened already, but I didn’t have a chance to write about them. I also owe everybody a ton of record reviews from the last few months, that will probably drop later this week. But let’s dive into the label and ISM’s birthday… I finally…
Spring 2022 New Jams
The weather is turning warm again, and the number of good new releases seems to be increasing in direct proportion. I’ll have more news here in the next month regarding other developments, like another JET Party Services gig at Spirit Lodge and the long delayed launch of my new solo label Q.E.D. Recordings. Big tings…
Early 2022 New Jams
There haven’t been a ton of new records on my radar so far in 2022, but at least the ones that are have been excellent. Also going to have to start adding in some digi-only releases as there have been some really strong ones recently that don’t appear to have imminent vinyl releases. Here we…
2021 Wrap Up
One of the positives of 2021 is that I DJed more than I have in a few years. Between our outdoor parties over the summer, a new webradio show with Jwan Allen, a handful of post-vaccine indoor gigs, the 18 months late debut of my monthly with Eric Justin, and
Fall 2021 New Records
Somehow October passed us by without a new post, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Before I get to all the new heat, I have some info about other goings on. My co-conspirator Jwan Allen and I have a new web radio show about to begin on Universal Rhythms Radio. They have a very nice…
New Records September 2021
Summer is winding down. I spent a lovely week at the beach in August, and since coming back have been out DJing a wedding, some outdoor joints, and another little bar night. Almost feels normal aside from, you know, the raging global pandemic. Thankfully this month’s haul of music sounds especially good. Let’s hop to…
Short Attention Mix CDs
Historically, the “Mix CD Series” has been a bit of an irrelevance for fans of deep techno and house. Most of the name brand versions of this concept lean towards choosing bigger DJs whose selections are meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Every now and then you get lucky and one comes out…
Early August New Jams
Soooo things in the world are going swimmingly eh? Or maybe not so much. Whatever. The stupid rule everything now, we are all subject to the worst nonsense they can come up with. Until people with functional brains become willing to do whatever is necessary to wrest control away from the idiots, we will stay…
June 2021 New Records
Well, things are definitely happening again. I’ve had two indoor DJ gigs in the last two weeks, plus our outdoor joints and I joined Selecta on his Twitch feed for the first time (and I will be doing so every other Wednesday, next one is June 30 on here…) all of which means I’ve been…
May New Joints
Stolen from the internet lol Summer is slowly but surely making itself present, and there is plenty of dope new music out whose heat matches or exceeds the weather. I will definitely be playing these at our outdoor parties all summer. Follow JET Party Services on IG to stay in the loop, and don’t forget…
New Joints for April
There is a lot of heat coming out right now, it’s making the warming weather feel even better. Really looking forward to playing music outdoors again soon (keep your eye on this space or follow @jetpartyservices on Instagram. Here are some of the new jams I will be running out…. Moodymann – Taken Away –…
A New Mix
Last nite my new mixxx aired on Stomping Grounds Radio, the show on Dublab by Teflon Dons’ Aaron Paar. He always plays great music from funk and jazz to deep house and garage and more and I listen often, so maybe that’s what put me in the zone when I was recording this mix. As…
Spring Is In The Air
The weather is starting to warm up and the vaccine is rolling out quickly in the US, giving hope for a summer that will feel a bit more lively than last. My little outdoor party squad with Eric Justin and Jwan Allen is starting to get things ready for the season, providing an alternative to…