
All posts from the 'Nonsense' category

General, Nonsense

What’s in a Number?

So far in 2015 Resident Advisor has reviewed 570 releases they categorize as “Singles.” As a part of their review system for music, RA employs a rating scale of 0.0 to 5.0 in increments of 0.1. This degree of increment is much higher from their previous rating system. This was something they announced to a…

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Culture, Nonsense


About a year ago, I became a columnist for Attack Magazine. It has been fun writing opinion columns and providing analysis to a very wide audience that stretches beyond the confines of the genres I participate in. When Attack approached me about doing this, their primary concern was that the column lead discussion as opposed…

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Apartment Records, General, Nonsense

NCW – Pharoah And The Goose in stores now…plus a couple of other tings…(5 years?)

Pharoah and the Goose has slowly but surely been finding it’s way into record shops over the last week or so, hence this lil heads up for anyone interested in getting their mits on it. So far, Clone, Juno, Decks, Deejay, Kristina, Crosstalk in the States, Technique and Lighthouse in Japan are amongst the bigger…

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